Navigating Grief + Support Systems

Part of our mission at From Wallet To Wealth is to inspire, educate and uplift other women, with a variety of different topics and live events. May 31st we had our dinner and networking event, with guest speaker and Grief Specialist Kirsten Frey.

Ladies from all over the area joined us at the Millcroft Golf Club in Burlington, Ontario for an evening of dining, networking and a guest teaching on the 6 myths of grief that keep us stuck in our pain.

Our monthly From Wallet To Wealth event: we heal together, we laugh together, we grow together!

The 6 myths of grief, as Kirsten taught us are:

  1. Don’t feel bad

  2. Replace the loss

  3. Grieve alone or in silence

  4. Time heals all wounds

  5. Be strong for others

  6. Just keep busy

These are common sayings and coping mechanisms that are offered by friends and family. However, they can leave us feeling disconnected and unsettled. Grief accumulates over time when we don’t learn how to process our pain and emotions.

Kirsten Frey speaking at our From Wallet To Wealth event May 31st at the Millcroft Golf Club. Kirsten Frey is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®️, and Certified Life Coach, specializing in grief support and recovery.

Learn more about her work here:

An evening of laughs, community + connection

Grief is defined as a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. Emotions can range from shock, anger, disbelief, guilt or profound sadness.

Grieving isn’t just the death or loss of a loved one. It can also be: a breakup, a divorce, losing a job, loss of financial stability, a miscarriage or health scare, moving into retirement, moving into a new phase in life, selling or buying a home, loss of safety after trauma, or loss of a cherished dream.

How we cope with grief matters.

Grieving is a highly individual experience; there’s no right or wrong way to grieve. How you grieve depends on many factors, including your personality and coping style, your life experience, your faith, and how significant the loss was to you. Healing happens gradually and there is no timeline. For some people, the grief can be brief, for others it may linger on for weeks or months.

While it’s important to normalize the range of emotions we experience, here are a few tips to help you move through any grief stage / transition:

Acknowledge your pain

Support yourself emotionally with self soothing and self care

Allow your grief process to unfold naturally, without judgement of timeline’s or “should’s”

Seek support from family, friends and community

You’re not alone! Come and join our growing community of women over on FB: From Wallet To Wealth. You will meet other likeminded women. We heal and grow in community!

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Our next monthly event is June 23rd with Wendy Holmes, all about mastering your money mindset: How to create a new and healthy relationship with money. We will have a dinner, networking and Wendy as our guest speaker. Tickets are $55. RSVP here >>>

Whitney Hammond