5 Power Practices that you can use in your life and work to create a culture that supports women rising up:

  1. Let your own BRILLIANCE shine – You are in the drivers seat of your life, so take responsibility for letting others know about your strengths and abilities, accomplishments and contributions rather than wait for others to recognize you. It’s safe to shine!

  2. AMPLIFY other women – practice mirroring back women’s brilliance, gifts, accomplishments, talents and opportunities – even those with more power and success than you! There’s enough space for all of us to succeed!

  3. SPEAK your ambitions out loud – normalize aspirations for having more visibility, money, influence, impact and contribution in the world. Normalize taking risks, going out there and trying something new. There’s no such thing as failure, only growth. Go take action. Get yourself in a mastermind of high level women. (Psst… our Wallet To Wealth Ambassador Mastermind is currently open!)

  4. PRACTICE Self-Validation and Self-Authorization – stand in your worthiness to charge for your work, to be loved, seen, supported and treated with respect. You have the power to create the safety you need to be visible, have a voice, and give yourself permission to play your biggest game.

  5. EXPRESS the full spectrum of your power – practice expressing both Masculine and Feminine qualities and forms of power with confidence – you can be autonomous, assertive, strategic, logical as well as empathic, intuitive, nurturing and collaborative. The old paradigms of masculine success only are outdated.

~ From Wallet to Wealth ~

Created by Whitney Hammond

From Wallet to Wealth is a brand created to speak to women to help, mentor, educate and inspire women to living and leading empowered lives. We hold monthly events with featured guest speakers as well as the main annual gala that will take place Friday November 15th, 2024 at the Oakville Conference Center. Our guest speakers will be sharing how they found advantage in their adversity. Buy tickets here >>

Meet ladies who have done it on their own from adversity to prosperity by helping others. Dynamic and powerful speakers come to us all in the spirit of giving ~ giving to our audience and giving to Halton Women’s Place during November’s Women’s Abuse Prevention month.

Whitney Hammond